# Workerman ## What is it Workerman is a library for event-driven programming in PHP. It has a huge number of features. Each worker is able to handle thousands of connections. ## Requires PHP 5.3 or Higher A POSIX compatible operating system (Linux, OSX, BSD) POSIX and PCNTL extensions for PHP ## Installation ``` composer require workerman/workerman ``` ## Basic Usage ### A websocket server test.php ```php count = 4; // Emitted when new connection come $ws_worker->onConnect = function($connection) { echo "New connection\n"; }; // Emitted when data received $ws_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data) { // Send hello $data $connection->send('hello ' . $data); }; // Emitted when connection closed $ws_worker->onClose = function($connection) { echo "Connection closed\n"; }; // Run worker Worker::runAll(); ``` ### A http server test.php ```php require_once './Workerman/Autoloader.php'; use Workerman\Worker; // #### http worker #### $http_worker = new Worker(""); // 4 processes $http_worker->count = 4; // Emitted when data received $http_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data) { // $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, $_SERVER, $_FILES are available var_dump($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, $_SERVER, $_FILES); // send data to client $connection->send("hello world \n"); }; // run all workers Worker::runAll(); ``` ### A WebServer test.php ```php require_once './Workerman/Autoloader.php'; use \Workerman\WebServer; // WebServer $web = new WebServer(""); // 4 processes $web->count = 4; // Set the root of domains $web->addRoot('www.your_domain.com', '/your/path/Web'); $web->addRoot('www.another_domain.com', '/another/path/Web'); // run all workers Worker::runAll(); ``` ### A tcp server test.php ```php require_once './Workerman/Autoloader.php'; use Workerman\Worker; // #### create socket and listen 1234 port #### $tcp_worker = new Worker("tcp://"); // 4 processes $tcp_worker->count = 4; // Emitted when new connection come $tcp_worker->onConnect = function($connection) { echo "New Connection\n"; }; // Emitted when data received $tcp_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data) { // send data to client $connection->send("hello $data \n"); }; // Emitted when new connection come $tcp_worker->onClose($connection) { echo "Connection closed\n"; }; Worker::runAll(); ``` ### Custom protocol Protocols/MyTextProtocol.php ```php namespace Protocols; /** * User defined protocol * Format Text+"\n" */ class MyTextProtocol { public static function input($recv_buffer) { // Find the position of the first occurrence of "\n" $pos = strpos($recv_buffer, "\n"); // Not a complete package. Return 0 because the length of package can not be calculated if($pos === false) { return 0; } // Return length of the package return $pos+1; } public static function decode($recv_buffer) { return trim($recv_buffer); } public static function encode($data) { return $data."\n"; } } ``` test.php ```php require_once './Workerman/Autoloader.php'; use Workerman\Worker // #### MyTextProtocol worker #### $text_worker = new Worker("MyTextProtocol://"); $text_worker->onConnect = function($connection) { echo "New connection\n"; }; $text_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data) { // send data to client $connection->send("hello world \n"); }; $text_worker->onClose = function($connection) { echo "Connection closed\n"; }; // run all workers Worker::runAll(); ``` ### Timer test.php ```php require_once './Workerman/Autoloader.php'; use Workerman\Worker; use Workerman\Lib\Timer; $task = new Worker(); $task->onWorkerStart = function($task) { // 2.5 seconds $time_interval = 2.5; $timer_id = Timer::add($time_interval, function() { echo "Timer run\n"; } ); }; // run all workers Worker::runAll(); ``` run width ```php test.php start``` ## Available commands ```php test.php start ``` ```php test.php start -d ``` ![workerman start](http://www.workerman.net/img/workerman-start.png) ```php test.php status ``` ![workerman satus](http://www.workerman.net/img/workerman-status.png?a=123) ```php test.php stop ``` ```php test.php restart ``` ```php test.php reload ``` ## Documentation 中文主页:[http://www.workerman.net](http://www.workerman.net) 中文文档: [http://doc3.workerman.net](http://doc3.workerman.net) Documentation:[https://github.com/walkor/workerman-manual](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-manual/blob/master/english/src/SUMMARY.md) # Benchmarks ``` CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz and 4 processors totally Memory: 8G OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Software: ab PHP: 5.5.9 ``` **Codes** ```php count=3; $worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data) { $connection->send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nServer: workerman\1.1.4\r\n\r\nhello"); }; Worker::runAll(); ``` **Result** ```shell ab -n1000000 -c100 -k This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1528965 $> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/ Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/ Benchmarking (be patient) Completed 100000 requests Completed 200000 requests Completed 300000 requests Completed 400000 requests Completed 500000 requests Completed 600000 requests Completed 700000 requests Completed 800000 requests Completed 900000 requests Completed 1000000 requests Finished 1000000 requests Server Software: workerman/3.1.4 Server Hostname: Server Port: 1234 Document Path: / Document Length: 5 bytes Concurrency Level: 100 Time taken for tests: 7.240 seconds Complete requests: 1000000 Failed requests: 0 Keep-Alive requests: 1000000 Total transferred: 73000000 bytes HTML transferred: 5000000 bytes Requests per second: 138124.14 [#/sec] (mean) Time per request: 0.724 [ms] (mean) Time per request: 0.007 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) Transfer rate: 9846.74 [Kbytes/sec] received Connection Times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median max Connect: 0 0 0.0 0 5 Processing: 0 1 0.2 1 9 Waiting: 0 1 0.2 1 9 Total: 0 1 0.2 1 9 Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 1 66% 1 75% 1 80% 1 90% 1 95% 1 98% 1 99% 1 100% 9 (longest request) ``` # Demos ## [tadpole](http://kedou.workerman.net/) [Live demo](http://kedou.workerman.net/) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/workerman) ![workerman todpole](http://www.workerman.net/img/workerman-todpole.png) ## [BrowserQuest](http://www.workerman.net/demos/browserquest/) [Live demo](http://www.workerman.net/demos/browserquest/) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/BrowserQuest-PHP) ![BrowserQuest width workerman](http://www.workerman.net/img/browserquest.jpg) ## [web vmstat](http://www.workerman.net/demos/vmstat/) [Live demo](http://www.workerman.net/demos/vmstat/) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-vmstat) ![web vmstat](http://www.workerman.net/img/workerman-vmstat.png) ## [live-ascii-camera](https://github.com/walkor/live-ascii-camera) [Live demo camera page](http://www.workerman.net/demos/live-ascii-camera/camera.html) [Live demo receive page](http://www.workerman.net/demos/live-ascii-camera/) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/live-ascii-camera) ![live-ascii-camera](http://www.workerman.net/img/live-ascii-camera.png) ## [live-camera](https://github.com/walkor/live-camera) [Live demo camera page](http://www.workerman.net/demos/live-camera/camera.html) [Live demo receive page](http://www.workerman.net/demos/live-camera/) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/live-camera) ![live-camera](http://www.workerman.net/img/live-camera.jpg) ## [chat room](http://chat.workerman.net/) [Live demo](http://chat.workerman.net/) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-chat) ![workerman-chat](http://www.workerman.net/img/workerman-chat.png) ## [PHPSocket.IO](https://github.com/walkor/phpsocket.io) [Live demo](http://www.workerman.net/demos/phpsocketio-chat/) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/phpsocket.io) ![phpsocket.io](http://www.workerman.net/img/socket.io.png) ## [statistics](http://www.workerman.net:55757/) [Live demo](http://www.workerman.net:55757/) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-statistics) ![workerman-statistics](http://www.workerman.net/img/workerman-statistics.png) ## [flappybird](http://workerman.net/demos/flappy-bird/) [Live demo](http://workerman.net/demos/flappy-bird/) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-flappy-bird) ![workerman-statistics](http://www.workerman.net/img/workerman-flappy-bird.png) ## [jsonRpc](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-JsonRpc) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-JsonRpc) ![workerman-jsonRpc](http://www.workerman.net/img/workerman-json-rpc.png) ## [thriftRpc](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-thrift) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-thrift) ![workerman-thriftRpc](http://www.workerman.net/img/workerman-thrift.png) ## [web-msg-sender](https://github.com/walkor/web-msg-sender) [Live demo send page](http://workerman.net:3333/) [Live demo receive page](http://workerman.net/web-msg-sender.html) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/web-msg-sender) ![web-msg-sender](http://www.workerman.net/img/web-msg-sender.png) ## [shadowsocks-php](https://github.com/walkor/shadowsocks-php) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/shadowsocks-php) ![shadowsocks-php](http://www.workerman.net/img/shadowsocks-php.png) ## [queue](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-queue) [Source code](https://github.com/walkor/workerman-queue) ## LICENSE Workerman is released under the [MIT license](https://github.com/walkor/workerman/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt).