* @copyright walkor * @link http://www.workerman.net/ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License */ namespace GatewayWorker\Lib; use Exception; use GatewayWorker\Protocols\GatewayProtocol; use Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection; /** * 数据发送相关 */ class Gateway { /** * gateway 实例 * * @var object */ protected static $businessWorker = null; /** * 注册中心地址 * * @var string */ public static $registerAddress = ''; /** * 秘钥 * @var string */ public static $secretKey = ''; /** * 向所有客户端连接(或者 client_id_array 指定的客户端连接)广播消息 * * @param string $message 向客户端发送的消息 * @param array $client_id_array 客户端 id 数组 * @return void */ public static function sendToAll($message, $client_id_array = null) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_SEND_TO_ALL; $gateway_data['body'] = $message; if ($client_id_array) { $data_array = array(); foreach ($client_id_array as $client_id) { $address = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); $key = long2ip($address['local_ip']) . ":{$address['local_port']}"; $data_array[$key][$address['connection_id']] = $address['connection_id']; } foreach ($data_array as $addr => $connection_id_list) { $the_gateway_data = $gateway_data; $the_gateway_data['ext_data'] = call_user_func_array('pack', array_merge(array('N*'), $connection_id_list)); self::sendToGateway($addr, $the_gateway_data); } return; } elseif (empty($client_id_array) && is_array($client_id_array)) { return; } self::sendToAllGateway($gateway_data); } /** * 向某个客户端连接发消息 * * @param int $client_id * @param string $message * @return bool */ public static function sendToClient($client_id, $message) { return self::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_SEND_TO_ONE, $message); } /** * 向当前客户端连接发送消息 * * @param string $message * @return bool */ public static function sendToCurrentClient($message) { return self::sendCmdAndMessageToClient(null, GatewayProtocol::CMD_SEND_TO_ONE, $message); } /** * 判断某个uid是否在线 * * @param string $uid * @return int 0|1 */ public static function isUidOnline($uid) { return (int)self::getClientIdByUid($uid); } /** * 判断某个客户端连接是否在线 * * @param int $client_id * @return int 0|1 */ public static function isOnline($client_id) { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; if (isset(self::$businessWorker)) { if (!isset(self::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections[$address])) { return 0; } } $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_IS_ONLINE; $gateway_data['connection_id'] = $address_data['connection_id']; return (int)self::sendAndRecv($address, $gateway_data); } /** * 获取在线状态,目前返回一个在线 client_id 数组,client_id为 key * * @param string $group * @return array */ public static function getAllClientInfo($group = null) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; if (!$group) { $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_ALL_CLIENT_INFO; } else { $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_CLINET_INFO_BY_GROUP; $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $group; } $status_data = array(); $all_buffer_array = self::getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data); foreach ($all_buffer_array as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $data) { if ($data) { foreach ($data as $connection_id => $session_buffer) { $client_id = Context::addressToClientId($local_ip, $local_port, $connection_id); if ($client_id === Context::$client_id) { $status_data[$client_id] = (array)$_SESSION; } else { $status_data[$client_id] = $session_buffer ? Context::sessionDecode($session_buffer) : array(); } } } } } return $status_data; } /** * 获取某个组的连接信息 * * @param string $group * @return array */ public static function getClientInfoByGroup($group) { return self::getAllClientInfo($group); } /** * 获取所有连接数 * * @return int */ public static function getAllClientCount() { return self::getClientCountByGroup(); } /** * 获取某个组的在线连接数 * * @param string $group * @return int */ public static function getClientCountByGroup($group = '') { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_CLIENT_COUNT_BY_GROUP; $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $group; $total_count = 0; $all_buffer_array = self::getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data); foreach ($all_buffer_array as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $count) { if ($count) { $total_count += $count; } } } return $total_count; } /** * 获取与 uid 绑定的 client_id 列表 * * @param string $uid * @return array */ public static function getClientIdByUid($uid) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_CLIENT_ID_BY_UID; $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $uid; $client_list = array(); $all_buffer_array = self::getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data); foreach ($all_buffer_array as $local_ip => $buffer_array) { foreach ($buffer_array as $local_port => $connection_id_array) { if ($connection_id_array) { foreach ($connection_id_array as $connection_id) { $client_list[] = Context::addressToClientId($local_ip, $local_port, $connection_id); } } } } return $client_list; } /** * 生成验证包,用于验证此客户端的合法性 * * @return string */ protected static function generateAuthBuffer() { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GATEWAY_CLIENT_CONNECT; $gateway_data['body'] = json_encode(array( 'secret_key' => self::$secretKey, )); return GatewayProtocol::encode($gateway_data); } /** * 批量向所有 gateway 发包,并得到返回数组 * * @param string $gateway_data * @return array * @throws Exception */ protected static function getBufferFromAllGateway($gateway_data) { $gateway_buffer = GatewayProtocol::encode($gateway_data); $gateway_buffer = self::$secretKey ? self::generateAuthBuffer() . $gateway_buffer : $gateway_buffer; if (isset(self::$businessWorker)) { $all_addresses = self::$businessWorker->getAllGatewayAddresses(); if (empty($all_addresses)) { throw new Exception('businessWorker::getAllGatewayAddresses return empty'); } } else { $all_addresses = self::getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister(); if (empty($all_addresses)) { return array(); } } $client_array = $status_data = $client_address_map = $receive_buffer_array = $recv_length_array = array(); // 批量向所有gateway进程发送请求数据 foreach ($all_addresses as $address) { $client = stream_socket_client("tcp://$address", $errno, $errmsg); if ($client && strlen($gateway_buffer) === stream_socket_sendto($client, $gateway_buffer)) { $socket_id = (int)$client; $client_array[$socket_id] = $client; $client_address_map[$socket_id] = explode(':', $address); $receive_buffer_array[$socket_id] = ''; } } // 超时1秒 $timeout = 1; $time_start = microtime(true); // 批量接收请求 while (count($client_array) > 0) { $write = $except = array(); $read = $client_array; if (@stream_select($read, $write, $except, $timeout)) { foreach ($read as $client) { $socket_id = (int)$client; $buffer = stream_socket_recvfrom($client, 65535); if ($buffer !== '' && $buffer !== false) { $receive_buffer_array[$socket_id] .= $buffer; $receive_length = strlen($receive_buffer_array[$socket_id]); if (empty($recv_length_array[$socket_id]) && $receive_length >= 4) { $recv_length_array[$socket_id] = current(unpack('N', $receive_buffer_array[$socket_id])); } if (!empty($recv_length_array[$socket_id]) && $receive_length >= $recv_length_array[$socket_id] + 4) { unset($client_array[$socket_id]); } } elseif (feof($client)) { unset($client_array[$socket_id]); } } } if (microtime(true) - $time_start > $timeout) { break; } } $format_buffer_array = array(); foreach ($receive_buffer_array as $socket_id => $buffer) { $local_ip = ip2long($client_address_map[$socket_id][0]); $local_port = $client_address_map[$socket_id][1]; $format_buffer_array[$local_ip][$local_port] = unserialize(substr($buffer, 4)); } return $format_buffer_array; } /** * 关闭某个客户端 * * @param int $client_id * @return bool */ public static function closeClient($client_id) { if ($client_id === Context::$client_id) { return self::closeCurrentClient(); } // 不是发给当前用户则使用存储中的地址 else { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; return self::kickAddress($address, $address_data['connection_id']); } } /** * 踢掉当前客户端 * * @return bool * @throws Exception */ public static function closeCurrentClient() { if (!Context::$connection_id) { throw new Exception('closeCurrentClient can not be called in async context'); } return self::kickAddress(long2ip(Context::$local_ip) . ':' . Context::$local_port, Context::$connection_id); } /** * 将 client_id 与 uid 绑定 * * @param int $client_id * @param int|string $uid * @return bool */ public static function bindUid($client_id, $uid) { return self::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_BIND_UID, '', $uid); } /** * 将 client_id 与 uid 解除绑定 * * @param int $client_id * @param int|string $uid * @return bool */ public static function unbindUid($client_id, $uid) { return self::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_UNBIND_UID, '', $uid); } /** * 将 client_id 加入组 * * @param int $client_id * @param int|string $group * @return bool */ public static function joinGroup($client_id, $group) { return self::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_JOIN_GROUP, '', $group); } /** * 将 client_id 离开组 * * @param int $client_id * @param int|string $group * @return bool */ public static function leaveGroup($client_id, $group) { return self::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_LEAVE_GROUP, '', $group); } /** * 向所有 uid 发送 * * @param int|string|array $uid * @param string $message */ public static function sendToUid($uid, $message) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_SEND_TO_UID; $gateway_data['body'] = $message; if (!is_array($uid)) { $uid = array($uid); } $gateway_data['ext_data'] = json_encode($uid); self::sendToAllGateway($gateway_data); } /** * 向 group 发送 * * @param int|string|array $group * @param string $message */ public static function sendToGroup($group, $message) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_SEND_TO_GROUP; $gateway_data['body'] = $message; if (!is_array($group)) { $group = array($group); } $gateway_data['ext_data'] = json_encode($group); self::sendToAllGateway($gateway_data); } /** * 更新 session,框架自动调用,开发者不要调用 * * @param int $client_id * @param string $session_str * @return bool */ public static function setSocketSession($client_id, $session_str) { return self::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_SET_SESSION, '', $session_str); } /** * 设置 session,原session值会被覆盖 * * @param int $client_id * @param array $session */ public static function setSession($client_id, array $session) { if (Context::$client_id === $client_id) { $_SESSION = $session; Context::$old_session = $_SESSION; } return self::setSocketSession($client_id, Context::sessionEncode($session)); } /** * 更新 session,实际上是与老的session合并 * * @param int $client_id * @param array $session */ public static function updateSession($client_id, array $session) { if (Context::$client_id === $client_id) { $_SESSION = $session + (array)$_SESSION; Context::$old_session = $_SESSION; } return self::sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, GatewayProtocol::CMD_UPDATE_SESSION, '', Context::sessionEncode($session)); } /** * 获取某个client_id的session * * @param int $client_id * @return mixed false表示出错、null表示用户不存在、array表示具体的session信息 */ public static function getSession($client_id) { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; if (isset(self::$businessWorker)) { if (!isset(self::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections[$address])) { return null; } } $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_GET_SESSION_BY_CLIENT_ID; $gateway_data['connection_id'] = $address_data['connection_id']; return self::sendAndRecv($address, $gateway_data); } /** * 想某个用户网关发送命令和消息 * * @param int $client_id * @param int $cmd * @param string $message * @param string $ext_data * @return boolean */ protected static function sendCmdAndMessageToClient($client_id, $cmd, $message, $ext_data = '') { // 如果是发给当前用户则直接获取上下文中的地址 if ($client_id === Context::$client_id || $client_id === null) { $address = long2ip(Context::$local_ip) . ':' . Context::$local_port; $connection_id = Context::$connection_id; } else { $address_data = Context::clientIdToAddress($client_id); $address = long2ip($address_data['local_ip']) . ":{$address_data['local_port']}"; $connection_id = $address_data['connection_id']; } $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = $cmd; $gateway_data['connection_id'] = $connection_id; $gateway_data['body'] = $message; if (!empty($ext_data)) { $gateway_data['ext_data'] = $ext_data; } return self::sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data); } /** * 发送数据并返回 * * @param int $address * @param mixed $data * @return bool * @throws Exception */ protected static function sendAndRecv($address, $data) { $buffer = GatewayProtocol::encode($data); $buffer = self::$secretKey ? self::generateAuthBuffer() . $buffer : $buffer; $client = stream_socket_client("tcp://$address", $errno, $errmsg); if (!$client) { throw new Exception("can not connect to tcp://$address $errmsg"); } if (strlen($buffer) === stream_socket_sendto($client, $buffer)) { $timeout = 1; // 阻塞读 stream_set_blocking($client, 1); // 1秒超时 stream_set_timeout($client, 1); $all_buffer = ''; $time_start = microtime(true); $pack_len = 0; while (1) { $buf = stream_socket_recvfrom($client, 655350); if ($buf !== '' && $buf !== false) { $all_buffer .= $buf; } else { if (feof($client)) { throw new Exception("connection close tcp://$address"); } elseif (microtime(true) - $time_start > $timeout) { break; } continue; } $recv_len = strlen($all_buffer); if (!$pack_len && $recv_len >= 4) { $pack_len= current(unpack('N', $all_buffer)); } // 回复的数据都是以\n结尾 if (($pack_len && $recv_len >= $pack_len + 4) || microtime(true) - $time_start > $timeout) { break; } } // 返回结果 return unserialize(substr($all_buffer, 4)); } else { throw new Exception("sendAndRecv($address, \$bufer) fail ! Can not send data!", 502); } } /** * 发送数据到网关 * * @param string $address * @param mixed $gateway_data * @return bool */ protected static function sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data) { // 有$businessWorker说明是workerman环境,使用$businessWorker发送数据 if (self::$businessWorker) { if (!isset(self::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections[$address])) { return false; } return self::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections[$address]->send($gateway_data); } // 非workerman环境 $gateway_buffer = GatewayProtocol::encode($gateway_data); $gateway_buffer = self::$secretKey ? self::generateAuthBuffer() . $gateway_buffer : $gateway_buffer; $client = stream_socket_client("tcp://$address", $errno, $errmsg); return strlen($gateway_buffer) == stream_socket_sendto($client, $gateway_buffer); } /** * 向所有 gateway 发送数据 * * @param string $gateway_data * @throws Exception */ protected static function sendToAllGateway($gateway_data) { // 如果有businessWorker实例,说明运行在workerman环境中,通过businessWorker中的长连接发送数据 if (self::$businessWorker) { foreach (self::$businessWorker->gatewayConnections as $gateway_connection) { /** @var TcpConnection $gateway_connection */ $gateway_connection->send($gateway_data); } } // 运行在其它环境中,通过注册中心得到gateway地址 else { $all_addresses = self::getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister(); if (!$all_addresses) { throw new Exception('Gateway::getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister() with registerAddress:' . self::$registerAddress . ' return ' . var_export($all_addresses, true)); } foreach ($all_addresses as $address) { self::sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data); } } } /** * 踢掉某个网关的 socket * * @param string $address * @param int $connection_id * @return bool */ protected static function kickAddress($address, $connection_id) { $gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty; $gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_KICK; $gateway_data['connection_id'] = $connection_id; return self::sendToGateway($address, $gateway_data); } /** * 设置 gateway 实例 * * @param \GatewayWorker\BusinessWorker $business_worker_instance */ public static function setBusinessWorker($business_worker_instance) { self::$businessWorker = $business_worker_instance; } /** * 获取通过注册中心获取所有 gateway 通讯地址 * * @return array * @throws Exception */ protected static function getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister() { $client = stream_socket_client('tcp://' . self::$registerAddress, $errno, $errmsg, 1); if (!$client) { throw new Exception('Can not connect to tcp://' . self::$registerAddress . ' ' . $errmsg); } fwrite($client, '{"event":"worker_connect","secret_key":"' . self::$secretKey . '"}' . "\n"); stream_set_timeout($client, 1); $ret = fgets($client, 65535); if (!$ret || !$data = json_decode(trim($ret), true)) { throw new Exception('getAllGatewayAddressesFromRegister fail. tcp://' . self::$registerAddress . ' return ' . var_export($ret, true)); } return $data['addresses']; } } if (!class_exists('\Protocols\GatewayProtocol')) { class_alias('GatewayWorker\Protocols\GatewayProtocol', 'Protocols\GatewayProtocol'); }