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* This file is part of workerman.
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the MIT-LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @author walkor<walkor@workerman.net>
* @copyright walkor<walkor@workerman.net>
* @link http://www.workerman.net/
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
namespace GatewayWorker;
use Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection;
use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\Lib\Timer;
use Workerman\Connection\AsyncTcpConnection;
use GatewayWorker\Protocols\GatewayProtocol;
use GatewayWorker\Lib\Context;
* BusinessWorker 用于处理Gateway转发来的数据
* @author walkor<walkor@workerman.net>
class BusinessWorker extends Worker
* 保存与 gateway 的连接 connection 对象
* @var array
public $gatewayConnections = array();
* 注册中心地址
* @var string
public $registerAddress = '';
* 事件处理类,默认是 Event 类
* @var string
public $eventHandler = 'Events';
* 业务超时时间,可用来定位程序卡在哪里
* @var int
public $processTimeout = 30;
* 业务超时时间,可用来定位程序卡在哪里
* @var callable
public $processTimeoutHandler = '\\Workerman\\Worker::log';
* 秘钥
* @var string
public $secretKey = '';
* 保存用户设置的 worker 启动回调
* @var callback
protected $_onWorkerStart = null;
* 保存用户设置的 workerReload 回调
* @var callback
protected $_onWorkerReload = null;
* 保存用户设置的 workerStop 回调
* @var callback
protected $_onWorkerStop= null;
* 到注册中心的连接
* @var AsyncTcpConnection
protected $_registerConnection = null;
* 处于连接状态的 gateway 通讯地址
* @var array
protected $_connectingGatewayAddresses = array();
* 所有 geteway 内部通讯地址
* @var array
protected $_gatewayAddresses = array();
* 等待连接个 gateway 地址
* @var array
protected $_waitingConnectGatewayAddresses = array();
* Event::onConnect 回调
* @var callback
protected $_eventOnConnect = null;
* Event::onMessage 回调
* @var callback
protected $_eventOnMessage = null;
* Event::onClose 回调
* @var callback
protected $_eventOnClose = null;
* 用于保持长连接的心跳时间间隔
* @var int
* 构造函数
* @param string $socket_name
* @param array $context_option
public function __construct($socket_name = '', $context_option = array())
parent::__construct($socket_name, $context_option);
$backrace = debug_backtrace();
$this->_autoloadRootPath = dirname($backrace[0]['file']);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function run()
$this->_onWorkerStart = $this->onWorkerStart;
$this->_onWorkerReload = $this->onWorkerReload;
$this->_onWorkerStop = $this->onWorkerStop;
$this->onWorkerStart = array($this, 'onWorkerStart');
$this->onWorkerReload = array($this, 'onWorkerReload');
* 当进程启动时一些初始化工作
* @return void
protected function onWorkerStart()
if (!class_exists('\Protocols\GatewayProtocol')) {
class_alias('GatewayWorker\Protocols\GatewayProtocol', 'Protocols\GatewayProtocol');
\GatewayWorker\Lib\Gateway::$secretKey = $this->secretKey;
if ($this->_onWorkerStart) {
call_user_func($this->_onWorkerStart, $this);
if (is_callable($this->eventHandler . '::onWorkerStart')) {
call_user_func($this->eventHandler . '::onWorkerStart', $this);
if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
// 业务超时信号处理
pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, array($this, 'timeoutHandler'), false);
} else {
$this->processTimeout = 0;
// 设置回调
if (is_callable($this->eventHandler . '::onConnect')) {
$this->_eventOnConnect = $this->eventHandler . '::onConnect';
if (is_callable($this->eventHandler . '::onMessage')) {
$this->_eventOnMessage = $this->eventHandler . '::onMessage';
} else {
echo "Waring: {$this->eventHandler}::onMessage is not callable\n";
if (is_callable($this->eventHandler . '::onClose')) {
$this->_eventOnClose = $this->eventHandler . '::onClose';
// 如果Register服务器不在本地服务器,则需要保持心跳
if (strpos($this->registerAddress, '') !== 0) {
Timer::add(self::PERSISTENCE_CONNECTION_PING_INTERVAL, array($this, 'pingRegister'));
* onWorkerReload 回调
* @param Worker $worker
protected function onWorkerReload($worker)
// 防止进程立刻退出
$worker->reloadable = false;
// 延迟 0.01 秒退出,避免 BusinessWorker 瞬间全部退出导致没有可用的 BusinessWorker 进程
Timer::add(0.05, array('Workerman\Worker', 'stopAll'));
// 执行用户定义的 onWorkerReload 回调
if ($this->_onWorkerReload) {
call_user_func($this->_onWorkerReload, $this);
* 当进程关闭时一些清理工作
* @return void
protected function onWorkerStop()
if ($this->_onWorkerStop) {
call_user_func($this->_onWorkerStop, $this);
if (is_callable($this->eventHandler . '::onWorkerStop')) {
call_user_func($this->eventHandler . '::onWorkerStop', $this);
* 连接服务注册中心
* @return void
public function connectToRegister()
$this->_registerConnection = new AsyncTcpConnection("text://{$this->registerAddress}");
$this->_registerConnection->send('{"event":"worker_connect","secret_key":"' . $this->secretKey . '"}');
$this->_registerConnection->onClose = array($this, 'onRegisterConnectionClose');
$this->_registerConnection->onMessage = array($this, 'onRegisterConnectionMessage');
* 与注册中心连接关闭时,定时重连
* @return void
public function onRegisterConnectionClose()
Timer::add(1, array($this, 'connectToRegister'), null, false);
* 当注册中心发来消息时
* @return void
public function onRegisterConnectionMessage($register_connection, $data)
$data = json_decode($data, true);
if (!isset($data['event'])) {
echo "Received bad data from Register\n";
$event = $data['event'];
switch ($event) {
case 'broadcast_addresses':
if (!is_array($data['addresses'])) {
echo "Received bad data from Register. Addresses empty\n";
$addresses = $data['addresses'];
$this->_gatewayAddresses = array();
foreach ($addresses as $addr) {
$this->_gatewayAddresses[$addr] = $addr;
echo "Receive bad event:$event from Register.\n";
* 当 gateway 转发来数据时
* @param TcpConnection $connection
* @param mixed $data
public function onGatewayMessage($connection, $data)
$cmd = $data['cmd'];
if ($cmd === GatewayProtocol::CMD_PING) {
// 上下文数据
Context::$client_ip = $data['client_ip'];
Context::$client_port = $data['client_port'];
Context::$local_ip = $data['local_ip'];
Context::$local_port = $data['local_port'];
Context::$connection_id = $data['connection_id'];
Context::$client_id = Context::addressToClientId($data['local_ip'], $data['local_port'],
// $_SERVER 变量
$_SERVER = array(
'REMOTE_ADDR' => long2ip($data['client_ip']),
'REMOTE_PORT' => $data['client_port'],
'GATEWAY_ADDR' => long2ip($data['local_ip']),
'GATEWAY_PORT' => $data['gateway_port'],
'GATEWAY_CLIENT_ID' => Context::$client_id,
// 尝试解析 session
if ($data['ext_data'] != '') {
Context::$old_session = $_SESSION = Context::sessionDecode($data['ext_data']);
} else {
Context::$old_session = $_SESSION = null;
if ($this->processTimeout) {
// 尝试执行 Event::onConnection、Event::onMessage、Event::onClose
switch ($cmd) {
case GatewayProtocol::CMD_ON_CONNECTION:
if ($this->_eventOnConnect) {
call_user_func($this->_eventOnConnect, Context::$client_id);
case GatewayProtocol::CMD_ON_MESSAGE:
if ($this->_eventOnMessage) {
call_user_func($this->_eventOnMessage, Context::$client_id, $data['body']);
case GatewayProtocol::CMD_ON_CLOSE:
if ($this->_eventOnClose) {
call_user_func($this->_eventOnClose, Context::$client_id);
if ($this->processTimeout) {
// session 必须是数组
if ($_SESSION !== null && !is_array($_SESSION)) {
throw new \Exception('$_SESSION must be an array. But $_SESSION=' . var_export($_SESSION, true) . ' is not array.');
// 判断 session 是否被更改
if ($_SESSION !== Context::$old_session) {
$session_str_now = $_SESSION !== null ? Context::sessionEncode($_SESSION) : '';
\GatewayWorker\Lib\Gateway::setSocketSession(Context::$client_id, $session_str_now);
* 当与 Gateway 的连接断开时触发
* @param TcpConnection $connection
* @return void
public function onGatewayClose($connection)
$addr = $connection->remoteAddress;
unset($this->gatewayConnections[$addr], $this->_connectingGatewayAddresses[$addr]);
if (isset($this->_gatewayAddresses[$addr]) && !isset($this->_waitingConnectGatewayAddresses[$addr])) {
Timer::add(1, array($this, 'tryToConnectGateway'), array($addr), false);
$this->_waitingConnectGatewayAddresses[$addr] = $addr;
* 尝试连接 Gateway 内部通讯地址
* @param string $addr
public function tryToConnectGateway($addr)
if (!isset($this->gatewayConnections[$addr]) && !isset($this->_connectingGatewayAddresses[$addr]) && isset($this->_gatewayAddresses[$addr])) {
$gateway_connection = new AsyncTcpConnection("GatewayProtocol://$addr");
$gateway_connection->remoteAddress = $addr;
$gateway_connection->onConnect = array($this, 'onConnectGateway');
$gateway_connection->onMessage = array($this, 'onGatewayMessage');
$gateway_connection->onClose = array($this, 'onGatewayClose');
$gateway_connection->onError = array($this, 'onGatewayError');
if (TcpConnection::$defaultMaxSendBufferSize == $gateway_connection->maxSendBufferSize) {
$gateway_connection->maxSendBufferSize = 50 * 1024 * 1024;
$gateway_data = GatewayProtocol::$empty;
$gateway_data['cmd'] = GatewayProtocol::CMD_WORKER_CONNECT;
$gateway_data['body'] = json_encode(array(
'worker_key' =>"{$this->name}:{$this->id}",
'secret_key' => $this->secretKey,
$this->_connectingGatewayAddresses[$addr] = $addr;
* 检查 gateway 的通信端口是否都已经连
* 如果有未连接的端口,则尝试连接
* @param array $addresses_list
public function checkGatewayConnections($addresses_list)
if (empty($addresses_list)) {
foreach ($addresses_list as $addr) {
if (!isset($this->_waitingConnectGatewayAddresses[$addr])) {
* 当连接上 gateway 的通讯端口时触发
* 将连接 connection 对象保存起来
* @param TcpConnection $connection
* @return void
public function onConnectGateway($connection)
$this->gatewayConnections[$connection->remoteAddress] = $connection;
unset($this->_connectingGatewayAddresses[$connection->remoteAddress], $this->_waitingConnectGatewayAddresses[$connection->remoteAddress]);
* 当与 gateway 的连接出现错误时触发
* @param TcpConnection $connection
* @param int $error_no
* @param string $error_msg
public function onGatewayError($connection, $error_no, $error_msg)
echo "GatewayConnection Error : $error_no ,$error_msg\n";
* 获取所有 Gateway 内部通讯地址
* @return array
public function getAllGatewayAddresses()
return $this->_gatewayAddresses;
* 业务超时回调
* @param int $signal
* @throws \Exception
public function timeoutHandler($signal)
switch ($signal) {
// 超时时钟
// 超时异常
$e = new \Exception("process_timeout", 506);
$trace_str = $e->getTraceAsString();
// 去掉第一行timeoutHandler的调用栈
$trace_str = $e->getMessage() . ":\n" . substr($trace_str, strpos($trace_str, "\n") + 1) . "\n";
// 开发者没有设置超时处理函数,或者超时处理函数返回空则执行退出
if (!$this->processTimeoutHandler || !call_user_func($this->processTimeoutHandler, $trace_str, $e)) {
* 向 Register 发送心跳,用来保持长连接
public function pingRegister()
if ($this->_registerConnection) {